Veterinary Immunofluorescence Quantitative Analyzer
C-reactive protein (CRP) Rapid Quantitative Test
C-reactive protein (CRP), which is synthesized by the liver in response to interleukin-6, is one of the well-known classical acute phase reactants. It is used as a marker of inflammation and cardiovascular disease (CVD).¥ 0.00立即购买
fSAA(Serum Amyloid A) Rapid Quantitative Test
SAA is an acute phase protein secreted by the liver and bound to high-density lipoprotein(HDL) in plasma. SAA concentrations may increase up to 1000-fold when cats are in a state ofinflammation. Therefore, measuring SAA concentrations can be used to detect the presence ofinflammation. In addition, in cats, SAA is not only a marker of inflammation, but also aprognostic marker of various diseases, such as diabetes and hyperthyroidism.¥ 0.00立即购买
NT-proBNP Quantitative Test Reagent
N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP), mainly derived from the ventricle, is a substance released by myocardial tissue when blood pressure and ventricular wall pressurerise. It is mainly used to evaluate myocardial function. Clinically, NT-proBNP is more stable,and higher concentrations are associated with higher heart disease severity.¥ 0.00立即购买
cPL(canine pancreatic lipase) Rapid Quantitative Test
Lipase is mainly secreted by the pancreas and appears late in serum and lasts for a long time. Inacute pancreatitis, the damage of the pancreatic acinus leads to the release of a large amount oflipase stored in the acinus, the permeability of the lymphatic vessels and capillaries of thepancreas increases, and a large amount of pancreatic lipase enters the blood, which increases theserum lipase. Therefore, serum lipase content is an important indicator for the diagnosis ofpancreatitis...¥ 0.00立即购买
fPL(feline Pancreatic lipase) Rapid Quantitative Test
Lipase is mainly secreted by the pancreas and appears late in serum and lasts for a long time. Inacute pancreatitis, the damage of the pancreatic acinus leads to the release of a large amount oflipase stored in the acinus, the permeability of the lymphatic vessels and capillaries of thepancreas increases, and a large amount of pancreatic lipase enters the blood, which increases theserum lipase. Therefore, serum lipase content is an important indicator for the diagnosis ofpancreatitis...¥ 0.00立即购买
T4(Total Thyroxine T4) Rapid Quantitative Test
T4 is a thyroid hormone secreted by the thyroid that binds to thyroidhormone-binding globulin (TBG) in serum, and is the most basic screening index forjudging thyroid function.¥ 0.00立即购买
TSH(Thyroid-stimulating hormone) Rapid Quantitative Test
TSH is a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland that promotes thyroid growth andstimulates the thyroid to secrete thyroxine (T4)¥ 0.00立即购买
Cortisol Quantitative Test Reagent
Cortisol belongs to the glucocorticoid in the adrenal cortex and can be usedclinically to diagnose Cushing's syndrome and Addison's syndrome.¥ 0.00立即购买
cProg(canine Progesterone) Rapid Quantitative Test
Prog is a natural progesterone secreted after the mature corpus luteum of theovary, which has a significant effect on the morphology of the endometrium in vivo, and is an essential hormone to maintain the pregnancy of female animals.¥ 0.00立即购买
D-Dimer Quantitative Test Reagent
D-Dimer is a small protein fragment present in the blood after a blood clot is degraded by fivrinolysis. It is useful in the diagnostic evaluation of thrombotic diseases and monitor corticosteroid treatment.¥ 0.00立即购买
Easy-to-use Diagnostic Device
● Principle of immunofluorescence.
● detection time is only 3 to 15 minutes.
● Multi-language switching, simple operation.
● The reagent can be stored at room temperature for up to 24 months.
● Dry principle, no maintenance of the instrument.
● 7-inch ultra-sensitive, dust-proof, waterproof capacitive touch screen.
● High sensitivity and good repeatability.
● Wireless connection printer.
● Chip information supports ID card reading and U disk reading.
● Receive instrument abnormal information remotely.
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